Adelaide Unicare is a company which is 100% owned and controlled by the University of Adelaide. Their mission is to:
- Provide quality patient care
- Provide a quality teaching network for medical undergraduate, postgraduate and allied health professionals
- Facilitate research into general practice
Currently they own and run five General Practices. Two of these are located in Adelaide CBD, two are located in the northern suburbs of Adelaide, and the Minlaton practice is located on the Yorke Peninsula in rural South Australia.
The Minlaton Medical Centre is a well-established General Practice highly regarded by the local community. It has strong links to the University of Adelaide and is involved in the teaching of rural-focussed general practice to medical students.
The Centre has an arrangement with Country Health SA to operate and manage a 24-hour Accident & Emergency unit. The nearest hospital is the Yorketown Hospital which is approximately 30km away. All Minlaton Doctors have admitting rights to the Yorketown Hospital.
The Centre is usually staffed by four GPs. It also employs registered nurses who work both at the Centre and in the Accident & Emergency Unit. Both the Doctors and Nurses are required to participate in the relevant on-call rosters.
The Minlaton Medical Centre caters for a wide range of patients from the new born to the elderly as well as any emergency case which presents at the Accident & Emergency Unit.
There are also a wide range of visiting specialists and allied health services that visit Minlaton on a sessional basis.
The Centre is fully accredited with AGPAL. The GP component of the Centre is open five days a week whilst the A&E component is open seven days a week.
The Practice has a key teaching and training focus and all Doctors are required to participate in the supervision of medical undergraduates during their rotational placements.
To find out more about GP job opportunities with Adelaide Unicare, contact us on +44 (0) 131 226 2200