Here are just a few reasons why working in New Zealand is a fantastic option for any GP looking for a change of scene...
Locum, fixed-term and permanent GP Jobs across NZ
- Flexible contracts available - giving you the opportunity to take a sabbatical or working holiday (six or twelve months contracts are available alongside permanent posts)
- Flexible working hours - with many GPs working a 4 day week, giving you plenty of time to enjoy the outdoor lifestyle that NZ is famous for
- Standard 15 minute appointments - allowing you to spend more time with patients
- Benefit from low cost of living and low tax rates
- In New Zealand there are no restrictions on where an overseas trained doctor can work, so you can choose to live in any part of the country
- Whether you would like to work in a major city, a coastal location or a smaller rural community, we will help you find a role in a location that suits your lifestyle
- NZ offers a safe and green environment - perfect for families wanting to spend some time abroad and enjoy more time together
Did you know...?
UK trained Doctors who have relocated to New Zealand enjoy a higher level of job satisfaction and a better work/life balance - according to this study published in 2012.
If you would like to know more about the positions, please contact Sharon Dodds on:
+44 (0)131 240 5266 or email