We are delighted to be working with On Call Africa, a charity focused on improving health outcomes for marginalised rural communities in Zambia by improving access to quality healthcare.
In order to bring about long-term change within the communities in which we work, On Call Africa addresses the root causes of poor access to, and quality of healthcare and strengthens community led programmes that are vital for remote rural communities. As an organisation we strive to support the achievement of national strategic objectives, while ensuring that we listen to, and are responsive to the communities that we support. We are a learning organisation that openly shares findings to influence policy and practice in Zambia, and to expand our reach globally.
Help us improve access to and quality of healthcare in rural Zambia by assessing gaps and barriers to access, and designing unique quality improvement projects.
If you are interested in volunteering or would just like to find out more, contact michaela@oncallafrica.org for more information